

Member since: Sep 24, 2010, NASA ARC

Mining Distance-Based Outliers in Near Linear Time

Shared by MARK SCHWABACHER, updated on Sep 22, 2010


Author(s) :
Stephen Bay, Mark Schwabacher

Full title: Mining Distance-Based Outliers in Near Linear Time with Randomization and a Simple Pruning Rule

Abstract: Defining outliers by their distance to neighboring examples is a popular approach to finding unusual examples in a data set. Recently, much work has been conducted with the goal of finding fast algorithms for this task. We show that a simple nested loop algorithm that in the worst case is quadratic can give near linear time performance when the data is in random order and a simple pruning rule is used. We test our algorithm on real high-dimensional data sets with millions of examples and show that the near linear scaling holds over several orders of magnitude. Our average case analysis suggests that much of the efficiency is because the time to process non-outliers, which are the majority of examples, does not depend on the size of the data set.

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Publication Name
Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining
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Year Published


Mining Distance-Based Outliers in Near Linear Time with Randomization and a Simple Pruning Rule
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