Ashok Srivastava

Member since: Jan 05, 2014, Verizon

Detection and Prognostics on Low Dimensional Systems

Shared by Ashok Srivastava, updated on Sep 22, 2010


Author(s) :
Ashok Srivastava, Santanu Das

This paper describes the application of known and novel prognostic algorithms on systems that can be described by low dimensional, potentially nonlinear dynamics. The methods rely on estimating the conditional probability distribution of the output of the system at a future time given knowledge of the current state of the system. We show how to estimate these conditional probabilities using a variety of techniques, including bagged neural networks and kernel methods such as Gaussian Process Regression (GPR). The results are compared with standard method such as the nearest neighbor algorithm. We demonstrate the algorithms on a real-world data set and a simulated data set. The real-world data set consists of the intensity of an NH3 laser. The laser data set has been shown by other authors to exhibit low-dimensional chaos with sudden drops in intensity. The simulated data set is generated from the Lorenz attractor and has known statistical characteristics. On these data sets, we show the evolution of the estimated conditional probability distribution, the way it can act as a prognostic signal, and its use as an early warning system. We also review a novel approach to perform Gaussian Process Regression with large numbers of data points.

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Publication Name
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C
Publication Location
Volume: 39 Issue: 1 Date: Jan. 2009
Year Published


579.2 KB 66 downloads


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