Research Areas under DASHlink


  • Members 7 Resources 1

  • Aviation Safety Technology Portal (ASTEP)

    Information on tools and technologies developed by NASA for Commercial and General Aviation Operators. Check out some of the Opensource tools available: MKAD MKAD (Multiple Kernel Anomaly Detection) is a software tool that can be used for anomaly detection. Nu-Anomica ...

  • Disk Defect Data

    The Rotary Dynamics Laboratory at NASA Glenn Research Center has acquired data on simulated engine disks for the purpose of developing crack detection schemes. They have taken data on a baseline disk and on a disk that has a fairly ...

  • First International Diagnostic Competition

    The First International Diagnostic Competition (DXC'09) was hosted at the 20th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-09) in Stockholm, Sweden, June 2009. The objectives of the competition series are to accelerate research in theories, principles, and computational techniques for ...

  • FLEA

    The FLEA test stand is a lightweight, self-contained testbed capable of supporting three different actuators: one nominal, one injected with faults, and the third providing dynamic load. The load is switched in-flight from the healthy to the faulty test actuator, ...

  • FLTz flight simulator

    This software is flight simulation system with primary and secondary OpenGL displays capable of flying a large set of built-in aircraft as well as those aircraft under rapid research development (possibly using the output of VorView). FLTz can communicate directly ...


    Work in Progress Failure Modes and Effects Risk Diagnostics (FMERD, Excel workbook) uses MIL-HDBK-217F Notice 2 (constant) failure rates and MIL-HDBK-338B failure mode probabilities plus failure costs and discount factors to compute system risk (discounted expected cost) from part failures. ...

  • Health management of aircraft electrical systems

  • Hubble Telemetry Reporting

  • HyDE

    The project page for the Hybrid Diagnostic Engine. More details about HyDE can be found at

  • Intelligent data understanding software tool


    Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer is a robotic mission in lunar orbit to gather detailed information about our moon's atmosphere, conditions near the surface and environmental influences on lunar dust. A thorough understanding of these characteristics will address long-standing ...

  • NASA Space Radiation Program Element Web Tools

    We have developed several biophysical models to assess the health risks to astronauts due to space radiation. You can access here.

  • NASA-Boeing

    • Designed custom tooling for new product development of Boeing-NASA ISS (International Space Station) solar panel structure. • Developed new global optimization techniques for designing new airplanes. • Conceptualized advanced methodology for project development of solar panel structures. • Authored ...

  • PHM Data Challenges

    This site hosts data sets (or links to data sets for data challenges that were held at the PHM Conference over the years.

  • PHM Data Challenges

    This site contains a collection of data sets that were used at various data challanges at the PHM Conference over the years.

  • PSU-AMES FOQA Project

    A collaborative work of PSU and Nasa Ames on FOQA data analysis. The goal is to detect anomalies in FOQA data.

  • Radiation Safety & Maintenance

    Nuclear Safety at Ames Research Center. Code- 305GH

  • Second International Diagnostic Competition

    The Second International Diagnostic Competition (DXC'10) was hosted at the 21st International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-10) in Portland, OR, October 2010. The objectives of the competition series are to accelerate research in theories, principles, and computational techniques for ...

  • SequenceMiner

    The SequenceMiner was developed to address the problem of detecting and describing anomalies in large sets of high-dimensional symbol sequences that arise from recordings of switch sensors in the cockpits of commercial airliners. SequenceMiner works by performing unsupervised clustering (grouping) ...

  • Sustainability Base

    Sustainability Base (N232) is a 50,000 sq ft high-performance office building on the NASA Ames campus. A goal of Sustainability Base is to provide a research testbed where different sustainable technologies and concepts can be implemented, tested, and demonstrated. Please ...

  • The Fourth International Diagnostic Competition

    The Fourth International Diagnostic Competition (DXC'13) will be hosted at the 24th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-13) in Jerusalem, Israel, October 2013. The objectives of the competition series are to accelerate research in theories, principles, and computational techniques ...

  • Thermoacoustic Refrigeration

    Due to current age of impending energies and environmental crisis, current cooling technologies continue to generate greenhouse gases with high energy costs. Through the construction of a functional model of thermoacoustic refrigerator, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of thermoacoustics for ...

  • Third International Diagnostic Competition

    The Third International Diagnostic Competition (DXC'11) was hosted at the 22nd International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-11) in Murnau, Germany, October 2011. The objectives of the competition series are to accelerate research in theories, principles, and computational techniques for ...

  • Vehicle Level Reasoning System-VLRS

    A systems view is necessary to detect, diagnose, predict, and mitigate adverse events during the flight of an aircraft. While most aircraft subsystems look for simple threshold exceedance and report them to a central maintenance computer, the vehicle–level reasoning system ...

  • Workshop on IVHM and Aviation Safety

    WIAS is an Indo-US workshop on Integrated Vehicle health management and Aviation safety organized jointly by National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bangalore and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) USA for the first time in India. We welcome all the expert ...

  • X Project

    The X Project is an exiting collaborative aircraft design challenge, exploring new sustainable ideas and opportunities in technology, while researching and developing the fastest propeller driven airplane in the world.