Model-based Prognostics with Concurrent Damage Progression Processes

Shared by Miryam Strautkalns, updated on Jun 19, 2013


Author(s) :
M. Daigle And K. Goebel

Model-based prognostics approaches rely on physics-based models that describe the behavior of systems and their components. These models must account for the several different damage processes occurring simultaneously within a component. Each of these damage and wear processes contribute to the overall component degradation. We develop a model- based prognostics methodology that consists of a joint state- parameter estimation problem, in which the state of a system along with parameters describing the damage progression are estimated, followed by a prediction problem, in which the joint state-parameter estimate is propagated forward in time to predict end of life and remaining useful life. The state-parameter estimate is computed using a particle filter, and is represented as a probability distribution, allowing the prediction of end of life and remaining useful life within a probabilistic framework that sup- ports uncertainty management. We also develop a novel variance control algorithm that maintains an uncertainty bound around the unknown parameters to limit the amount of estimation uncertainty and, consequently, reduce prediction uncertainty. We construct a detailed physics-based model of a centrifugal pump that includes damage progression models, to which we apply our model-based prognostics algorithms. We illustrate the operation of the prognostic solution with a number of simulation-based experiments and demonstrate the performance of the approach when multiple damage mechanisms are active.

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