- Affiliations (edit)
Robert W. Mah is the Project Scientist for the SSAT Project, one of three projects under the NASA Aviation Safety Program. He has a Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics and Biomedical Engineering from Stanford University. He was PI and head of the Smart Systems Research Laboratory at NASA Ames which developed innovative software solutions and tools for space, aeronautics, and medicine. His experience spans a broad range of research and development work ranging from adaptive control of spacecraft, FT/RM architecture for CEV GN&C;, FDIR and fault tolerant control of the 2.5 meter Artificial Gravity Research Centrifuge for the International Space Station, advanced signal processing and precision tools for airborne and ground-based telescopes, high performance multi-axis motion control capabilities for biological and human research, astronaut space motion sickness research, to novel medical technologies for detection, diagnosis, and prognosis of cancer.
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