IVHM Technology Study

Project Description
This project is part of the Systems Analysis task of the IVHM Technical Plan and supports one of its main objectives; the assessment of: i) future directions and technology trends in research related to detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and mitigation as they pertain to the stated goals of the IVHM project, ii) requirements for future aircraft and t...Morehe issues arising from current and near-term aviation technology. This topic will contain the results of the literature survey conducted by NASA to achieve the abovementioned objectives. In addition, it'll serve as an "IVHM Resource Repository" by hosting all resources that have been used throughout this study. Papers from systematically surveyed conferences, journals, trade publications will later be posted under this topic. ...Less
Project Administrator(s):
Elizabeth Foughty


Elizabeth Foughty
Peter Bunus
Herb Schlickenmaier
Farzad amirjavid